Call for Papers
The Department of Statistics and Data Science, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is organizing an International conference on Sustainable Innovations in Statistics and Data Science (SISD-2025) on 27th (Thursday) and 28th (Friday) March 2025 at CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bengalore Central Campus. The primary goal of this conference is to explore and investigate the thrust diversifying research areas of statistics, data science, and allied fields. The conference will feature eminent keynote speakers from academia and industry worldwide and presentations of accepted peer-reviewed articles.
Conference Tracks:
Scope of the conference will cover the following broad areas relevant to "Sustainable Innovations in Statistics and Data Science" theme but is not limited to:
- Statistical and Computational for Climate Research
- Innovations in Statistical Inference, Methodologies and Decision Making
- Predictive Analytics for Sustainable Development
- Statistical Methods for Environmental Data
- Bayesian Statistics and Computational Techniques
- Non-parametric and Semi-parametric Methods
- Time Series and Forecasting
- Multivariate and High-dimensional Analysis
- Statistical Quality Control and Reliability
- Health Analytics and Biostatistics
- Statistical Approaches in Image Analytics
- Statistical Quality Control for Sustainability
- AI and Machine Learning for Sustainable Development
- Big Data and Cloud Analytics
- Data Science in Financial Analytics
- Quantum Computing in Data Science
- Ethical and Responsible AI
- Innovations in NLP and Text Analytics
- Data Science for Smart Cities
- IoT Analytics
All papers submitted to SISD'25 conference must be previously unpublished and may not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during SISD'25 review period.
All full paper submissions will also be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality,
technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to conference,
contributions, and readability. The full paper submissions will be chosen based on technical
merit, interest, applicability, and how well they fit a coherent and balanced technical
program. Final camera ready submission and registration should be done before the deadline. Late submissions and registrations will result in the exclusion of the papers from the
conference proceedings. Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full text papers
including results, tables, figures and references.
For paper template and author guidelines Please Click Here
Conference Proceedings
ISBN : 978-81-983017-5-8
It is planned to publish the proceedings with Springer in their Communications in Computer and Information Science series-CCIS (Final Approval Pending)
Electronic ISSN: 1865-0937
Print ISSN: 1865-0929
Extended version of Selected papers will be published in
Mapana Journal of Sciences (MJS)
UGC-CARE List (Group I, Sr.No. 330, Sciences), ISSN: 0975-3303